
What is Remarketing? Definition and how to apply it in your advertising strategy

Remarketing is a sales strategy that every online business should take into account. In fact, 50% of Internet users need to receive advertising impacts with remarketing to decide since they visit a website at least 2 or 3 times before buying. It is a very common behavior. And remarketing or retargeting takes into account the needs and interests of those users and turns them into the triggering ad.

What is remarketing, really? How does a remarketing campaign work? What advantages does it have in a sales strategy?

I will solve these doubts throughout the post.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing and retargeting encompass different marketing actions to impact people who have visited our website or interacted with the brand with personalized ads. It is key in any marketing strategy and works through cookies.When a user browses our website and accepts the cookie policy, they are giving us permission to collect data on their behavior and customize the strategy we will carry out.

If you visit certain pages, add a product to the wish list or cart but do not perform any action, for example, buy…

This is where remarketing comes in. If the right ads come at that point, people can restart their buying decision process from where they left.

What does that mean?

Well, remarketing enables you to interact with people who know what your brand and products are!

And ask any marketing expert. The people who have shown some interest in your market offerings will probably become your future consumers, compared to people who have no idea who you are or what you sell.

These remarketed ad campaigns convert more than the regular ones because the targetted market is more informed and, thus, easily convertible.

However, remarketing should be done with a data-driven approach, and your strategy matters a lot.

If we keep bombarding advertisements who don’t want to buy as a result of those, we can get a lot of rejection on our end.

Types of Remarketing

Now that you have the definition of remarketing clear, let’s see the types of remarketing that you can carry out in your strategy:

Search remarketing

This type of remarketing is related to users’ search intention on Google. In this way, you can impact the people who have visited your website and have also made searches related to your products or services to take them into account when personalizing your ads.

In Google Ads, for example, you can create remarketing lists based on website visitors, app users, YouTube users, or customer lists imported from your database. You will add the keywords for which you are interested in appearing, and you will be able to impact those users who already know you with a personalized ads based on those searches.

Remarketing end Red de Display

They are the ads displayed on the different web pages of Google partners in the form of a banner.

Again, through Google Ads, you can choose the remarketing list you want to impact and show ads on other websites with the products or services they showed interest in.

Remarketing in advertising campaigns on social networks

You can also use remarketing when running campaigns on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Tik Tok Ads…

In this case, you can impact visitors who have browsed your website and users of social networks who follow you or have interacted with your publications in a certain period. 

Email remarketing

Remarketing is highly effective in an email marketing strategy.

In fact, emails to recover abandoned carts have a 45% open rate, which is quite high (although it always depends on the size of your database.)

You can create automation so that your subscribers receive a sequence of personalized emails when they visit certain pages of your website X times or add a product to the cart without completing the purchase.

Mobile remarketing

You can impact users who have visited you even from their computer with ads in the form of banners or videos in mobile apps just because of the information collected by cookies.

This is very powerful since you can be present in the daily life of your potential client from any channel and device.

Dynamic remarketing

Dynamic remarketing is a functionality that online stores can apply, and that consists of impacting web visitors with advertisements automatically and randomly.

I explain:

Ads are created based on the products with which they have interacted and those related and might interest them.

The best?

Google creates them automatically according to the name, description, price and image, and they are shown to users after interacting with the product catalog. 

Video remarketing

Finally, video remarketing consists of impacting video ads on YouTube, users who have either interacted with your channel or visited your website in a certain period.

Even buyers that you would like to impact again with a related product since it is easier to sell to these people because they already trust you.

How remarketing works

Knowing then what remarketing is and what types exist, it is time to see how it works:

The pixel is inserted into your website. 

The first thing you should do is insert the tracking code for Google Ads and Facebook Ads (or wherever you advertise) on all the pages of your website so that it can collect information from visitors.

You can do this easily through a WordPress plugin, such as Insert Headers and Footers or from Google Tag Manager.

Then you will create the remarketing lists from the advertising platform, depending on your business model and your interests: for example, visitors to a specific category or product, users who reach the checkout page but do not make the payment, users who see X times a page but do not perform any action …

Google Ads from the Audience Manager, for example, gives you these options:

Traffic capture campaigns are launched on the website.

You can’t launch remarketing campaigns if you don’t have audiences to impact with those ads.

First, you need traffic to your web page and interactions with your site, and one way to achieve this is by creating advertising campaigns aimed at this objective. 

Users visit your website.

They browse the different pages and add products to the cart but do not buy… and the cookies collect the information through which the advertising platform fills those previously created remarketing lists.

Remarketing campaigns are launched.

As soon as the platform has the data of those users who have shown interest in your brand but have not made conversions, you can launch campaigns to impact those people with your ads and guide them to purchase.

These ads will be personalized for them and can only be seen by users who are part of the remarketing lists.

Advantages of Remarketing

And what advantages does remarketing have in a sales strategy for any business?

Customization of ads.

The first thing is that the ads are 100% personalized since you impact your potential customers with the products or services they have already shown interest in on some occasions.

They are not intrusive ads; if you do remarket campaigns with dynamic content, each user will automatically see the specific products they have been looking at.

This is the main reason why remarketing ads convert the best. The audience is at the bottom of the funnel (close to the sale), and the ads are highly qualified.

Reminder of your brand.

By having the possibility of impacting from different channels and formats (videos, banners, mobile apps…), remarketing allows you to constantly remind users of those products or services they showed interest in but did not buy.

Perhaps they did not have time to finalize the transaction. Perhaps they were undecided…

But we know that your ads can be the push they need. And after you carve out a niche for yourself in their mind, you have a good chance of making it to the sale.

Guide users further down the funnel.

Internet users usually visit a page several times before making any purchase.


This is because we go through a very similar process in which:

  • We start by informing ourselves and taking a look.
  • We make price comparisons and look for reviews and opinions (we value it as an option).
  • We finish solving our doubts with the FAQ section, some more testimonials, or directly with the support team.

We buy.

And marketing campaigns make it easy to move from one stage to another.

It maintains the link between the brand and the user and guides them with personalized ads to speed up the process and make them decide to buy faster.

Increase the relevance of your ads.

As I told you at the beginning: ads based on users’ behaviour with respect to your brand are personalized.

The more personalized and customized your advertisement is, the more your audience can relate to it.

Customization breeds relevance.

This is why such ads bring in better numbers and stable conversions than other campaigns, reducing your overall advertising expenditure.

Increase in sales.

The heading says it all! All of the factors mentioned above contribute to a boosted revenue.


Because your ideal customer persona. Converting someone who fits that profile and is already aware of your offerings is far easier than those who do not even know you exist.

It is a campaign that helps increase ROI; for example, in a launch, it is usually where the highest sales spike occurs.

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